Kußmaul-Medaille: Preisträger 2008
Renate Erika Gay und Steffen Gay ausgezeichnet
In Anerkennung und Würdigung besonderer Verdienste um die Rheumatologie verleiht die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie die Kußmaul-Medaille in 2008 an Prof. Dr. med. Renate Erika Gay und Prof. Dr. Steffen Gay.
Über Prof. Dr. med. Renate Erika Gay

Prof. Dr. med. Renate Erika Gay
1949 geboren in Halle/Saale
1968-1974 Studium der Medizin an den Universitäten Leipzig, Würzburg und München
1974 Examen mit "Magna cum Laude"
1975 Promotion zur Dr. med. an der Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München
1976-1988 Research Associate, Institute of Dental Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1981-1996 Research Assistant and then Research Associate Professor Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1982-1984 Research Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham,USA
1984-1996 Research Associate Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1994-1996 Associate Director for International Academic and Corporate Relations, The University of Alabama Research Foundation, Birmingham Alabama, USA
1996-heute Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Leiterin der Abteilung Molekularbiologie am Zentrum für Experimentelle Rheumatologie im Fachbereich Rheumatologie, Universitätsklinik Zürich, Schweiz
1997-heute Leitung der Geschäftsstelle, Medizinisches Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich
2003-heute Professor an der Rheumaklinik am UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Ehrungen (Auswahl)
- Carol Nachman Preis 1984 für "New Basic Research and Testing-Systems for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effects of Antirheumatic Drugs on Articular Cartilage"
Weitere berufliche Aktivitäten (Auswahl)
- 1987-1996 Management of Personal and Finances of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Center for Rheumatology at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
- 1993-1996 Development of International Academic Exchange Programs with Foreign Universities and Development of International Corporate Relations for The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
- 1994-1996 Associate Director for International Academic and Corporate Relations for The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
- 1993-2002 Continuing education in Physicians in Management, Executive Courses at The American College of Physician Executives ACPE
Über Prof. Dr. Steffen Gay

Prof. Dr. Steffen Gay
1948 geboren in Geyersdorf/Erzgebirge
1966-1973 Studium der Medizin, Universität Leipzig
1972 Ärztliche Approbation mit "Suma cum Laude"
1973 Promotion zum Dr. med., Universität Leipzig
1973-1976 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, München
1976-1978 Visiting Investigator, Institute of Dental Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1977-1978 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1978-1984 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
Scientist, Institute of Dental Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1978-1996 Scientist, Comprehensive Cancer Center and Breast Cancer Research Task Force
Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA
1984-1991 Senior Scientist, Institute of Dental Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1984-1996 Director, WHO Collaborating Center for the Biochemical Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Allied Disease
Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
1996-heute Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham USA
Ordentlicher Professor für Experimentelle Rheumatologie und Leitender Arzt am Zentrum für Experimentelle Rheumatologie, Rheumaklinik, UniversitätsSpital, Zürich, Schweiz
1997-heute Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Molecular Biology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Rheumatic Diseases
Ehrungen (Auswahl)
- Carol Nachman Preis 1978
- Honorary Member American Association of Physicians 1999
- Honorary Member, The Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society USA , 2003
- Spinoza Professor, University of Amsterdam, NL, 2003
- Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 2004
- Oscar der Rheumatologie, Polen 2007
Weitere berufliche Aktivitäten (Auswahl)
- 1987-2000 Mitglied des Stiftungsrats des Deutschen Rheuma-Forschungszentrums Berlin
- 1993-1999 Chairman, International Advisory Committee, American College of Rheumatology
- 2001-2007 Annual Meeting Planning Committee, American College of Rheumatology
- 2008-2010 Chairman, EULAR Standing Committee on Investigative Rheumatology